Cozumel Pictures


These are underwater photos taken while diving around the island of Cozumel February 2002. All photos were taken with an Ikelite Aquashot-3e camera using the external substrobe, water correcting lens, macro kit, flash deflector, and 200 speed APS film. I booked the trip through Island Dreams Travel and stayed at FiestAmericana.


A pair of WhiteSpotted Filefish cruise by some of the spectacular coral found off the coast of Cozumel. Both fish are of the same species but are in different color phases.

Filefish Pair
Spiny Lobster

This Caribbean Spiny Lobster was retreating back under a ledge as our group of divers all got to the bottom for a good look.


Cushion Sea Stars ( Juvenile and Adult).


While snorkeling in front of the hotel,

Peacock Flounder I ran into this baby Peacock Flounder in about 4 feet of water.

Juvenile French Angelfish.

Gray Snappers

These Gray Snappers were hanging out under the pier at the hotel.

A Yellowcheek Wrasse

Wrasse Queen Angelfish

and a juvenile Quean Angelfish.

This is a pair of juvenile wrasses called puddingwifes


A Porkfish


and a sea urchin!

Hanging out in front of the hotel, this pair of Yellow Rays were photographed in the shallows while snorkeling. I thought the snorkeling in front of the hotel was even better than at Chankanaab Park. In fact it seemed that a lot of snorkel boats felt the same since they dropped their snorkelers off in front of the hotel.


One of the more shy fish I encountered in Cozumel was this Sargassum Triggerfish. Every time I tried to get a picture of one of these, they swam away.

Talk about catching the tiger by the tail! This is a Tiger Tail Sea Cucumber.

Tiger Tail

Here is a Yellow Tipped Giant Anemone.


Here is the same species of Giant Anemone with pink tips.

This is the wreck dive offered in Cozumel. I never did get the name but I believe it to be the only one of this magnitude. I believe it was originally a U.S. Navy ship that was acquired by the Mexican Navy and later scuttled as a dive site.


The inside of the wreck is full of Glassy Sweepers. The wreck has a fairly good current on the outside, but inside everything is calm. Because of the high current very few corals have been able to attach themselves.

The End Dive! End

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