Curacao Vacation Pictures

Mountainous Star Coral

These are underwater photos taken in the waters off the island of Curacao NA March 2004. All photos were taken with an ikelite Aquashot 3e camera using the external Substrobe, water correcting lens, flash deflector, and 200 speed APS film. While there, we stayed at Habitat Curacao. More information on the island can be found at Curacao Tourism.


This was one of the most friendly turtles I have ever come across. I could almost sense that it really didn't care that I was trying to take its picture. To the turtle, I was just another tourist and it just went about feeding on sponges while I took pictures.

Hawksbill Turtle
Catus Coral

Curacao is a commonwealth of the Netherlands Antilles located between Bonaire and Aruba. This is a close up of Rough Cactus Coral.

There are many Christmas Tree worms on the reefs. Moving in slowly is the key to not scaring them to retreat into there hole.

Christmas Tree Worms
Magnificent Feather Duster

This is a Magnificent Feather Duster. It is another type of worm that filters the water for food.

This is a close up of a lobster taken with the macro lens. We saw lots of very large lobsters while diving in Curacao. Some were at least three feet long - dinner for four! Unfortunately, some of the locals still use fish traps to feed themselves and make a living. As a result there are not a lot of big fish in the area. It's great that there are so many big lobsters and eels.

Spiny Lobster

There were lots of different types of Anemone.

This Banded Tube Dwelling Anemone looks like something from outer space.

Banded Tube Dwelling Anemone
Green Moray Eel

We never did get to see the huge moray eel but this three foot one was rather nice. He was just about four feet from the dock.

My favorite creature - an Octopus! We spotted this one on a night snorkel. As we were watching it continued to move towards deeper water. All of a sudden, a second octopus came in an attacked this one.

Parrot Fish

Parrot fish will try and hide anywhere to sleep for the night. Some fish are not to bright and sleep on the bottom in the open. This one found a nice hiding place inside some coral.

..................... DANKI ......................


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