San Salvador Pictures

Ray and Jack

These are underwater photos taken while diving around the island of San Salvador in the Bahamas June 2001. All photos were taken with an Ikelite Aquashot-3e camera using the external substrobe, water correcting lens, macro kit, flash deflector, and 200 speed APS film. While there, I stayed at Club Med - Columbus Isle.


Basket Stars curl up during the day and open at nighttime to feed.

Basket Star

Many of the corals shown below belong to the Gorgonian family. Corals are certainly more difficult to ID than many fish. In a lot of cases microscopic examination is required for proper identification.

This coral may be a knobby sea rod making it also part of the Gorgonian family of corals.

Bipinnate Sea Plume (Gorgonian again).

So many beautiful shapes and colors.

If you can positively ID any of these let me know and I'll update this page.

This is just one of many Nassau Groupers found at most dive sites around the island.

Nassau Grouper and Divers
Nassau Grouper

Another Nassau Grouper.

This is the first Scalloped Hammerhead shark I have ever seen while diving. What a thrill it was to see this beautiful creature! He slowly came up from the blue, checked to see what all the air bubbles were about, and moved on.

Indigo Hamlet

Here we find an Indigo Hamlet.

Longspine Squirrelfish.

Longspine squirrelfish
Flamingo Tongue

This Flamingo Tongue feeding on what I believe is a wide mesh sea fan. The Flamingo Tongue is actually a snail with its mantle extended over its shell.

Here the Flamingo Tongue is feeding on some type of coral?

Flamingo Tongue
Flamingo Tongue

This Flamingo Tongue looks like its laying eggs? If anybody knows for sure, please email me.

Turtles are just another example of the many beautiful creatures found in the Bahamas.

Nurse Shark

This nurse shark was resting on the bottom. Once it saw me coming down to take a picture it started to go in towards shore but then doubled back and swam right under my fins on its way to deep water.

I was thankful for being able to get such closeup pictures. Nurse Sharks are usually very docile and usually don't attack unless provoked. If you want to learn more about shark attacks check out the International Shark Attack File

Nurse Shark
Queen Angelfish

Queen Angelfish

A juvenile stage Spanish Hogfish. The colors are much brighter than the adult.

Spanish Hogfish

Spanish Hogfish ( A member of the Wrasse family.)

Not as common as Nassau Groupers, but still easily found, are Tiger Groupers.

Stoplight Parrotfish (Initial Phase)

Worms! They were attracted to my dive light on the night dive. Yuk, they even swam in my ear. I did learn quickly if I turned off my dive light for about 30 seconds they would all go to the other divers lights and I could turn mine back on without worry. Sorry fellow divers.

Queen Triggerfish

A Queen Triggerfish that could probably sell mascara for Revlon.

Princess Parrotfish (juvenile stage). Most juvenile Parrotfish don't look anything like the mature adults.

Princess Parrotfish

Yellow Stingray

Feather Duster Worms are very hard to photograph because they retreat quickly into their tubes when approached.


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