St. Lucia Pictures

Scrawled Filefish

These are underwater photos taken in St. Lucia April 2000. St. Lucia is an island between Martinique and St. Vincent in the West Indies. All photos were taken with my Ikelite Aquashot-3e camera using the external Substrobe, water correcting lens, flash deflector, and 200 speed APS film. While there, we stayed at Club Med - St. Lucia.


All of the dives at this Club Med were with a guide. Most of the dives were "drift dives" in a mild current. This was my first experience drift diving and I was surprised how much I liked it. The boat would drop the group off near the wall and head back out to open water. The guide would have a float on a reel that he/she would pull along to mark our position. When we ran low of air we did our safety stop, surfaced and waited for the boat to come and pick us up.

This is a juvenile Stoplight parrotfish swimming over a piece of brain coral.

Stoplight Parrotfish
Glasseyed Snapper

On one particular dive we had a very strong current. The area we were in had lots of hills, valleys, and canyons made from large rocks and coral. It was probably the closest I ever felt to being like a bird. You could just sit back and stear as the current pushed you through the beautiful landscape.

Here a Glasseyed Snapper hangs out with a group of Cardinal fish. The Glasseyed usually hang out under ledges or in holes.

This Porcupinefish (also known as "Spotted Spiny Puffer") turned and posed for a picture. He was sitting back away from the wall of the reef just hanging out and watching us pass on by.


Feather stars, also known as Crenoids, are animals that are easily confused with plants. This black with yellow-tip variety Crenoid has an Arrowhead crab walking around in it.

Here we see a Magnificent Feather Duster Worm. Once again, this is an animal that is often confused for a plant. The worm hides inside its tubes and uses it appendages to capture plankton as it comes by. Another Arrowhead crab can also be seen in this shot. Can you find it?

Magnificent Feather Duster Worm
Spotted Moray

Moray Eels usually come out only at night when they hunt for food. This Moray Eel was out looking for a meal during the day. What teeth, I wouldn't want to feel his bite! They need to open and close their mouth to breath and are generally not considered dangerous.

A Stonefish sits on the bottom waiting for a meal to pass by or for us divers to move on.

Cardnial fish

This picture was taken looking out from inside the Lesleen "M" Wreck. Schools of fish were everywhere inside the wreck seeking shelter from predators. Corals on the walls, ceiling, and floors were beautiful.

This is a Spanish Lobster who are from the Slipper Lobster Family. Kind of an odd looking creature with yellow eyes. This was one of several we saw during our many dives on this trip.

Spanish Lobster

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