Turkoise Vacation Pictures

These are underwater photos taken in the Turks and Caicos (Providenciales) British West Indies islands November 2002. All photos were taken with an ikelite Aquashot 3e camera using the external Substrobe, water correcting lens, flash deflector, and 200 speed APS film. While there, once again, we stayed at Club Med - Turkoise.


This is a black durgon which is a member of the triggerfish family. They are very shy and tend to keep their distance from divers.

This anemone was sitting right on the edge about 75 feet deep. Just to the back of the anemone you can see a crinoid.

In Turks and Caicos there is more than just fish to see. The coral and sponges are just as nice!

None of the locals or guests spotted JoJo the wild dolphin on this trip. Apparently he has not been seen for over a month. You can visit the JoJo Dolphin Project web site to learn more about him.

This was the best way to start a dive. As I started to descend I spotted this nurse shark directly under the boat. I continued down and was able to swim just off the sandy bottom side-by-side for about 60 feet.

A group of goat fish sort through the sand for a bite to eat.

The coral sand is soft and stirs easily.

Several years ago there was a French game show held on the island that was similar to Survivor. An underwater dome was used as part of the show. The show was cancelled but the dome remains in about 35 feet of water.

End Dive.............................................................................

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