Turkoise Vacation Pictures

Another trip to Club Med - Turkoise (Turks and Caicos Islands) August 2004. All photos were taken with my new ikelite Auto 35 camera using the external Substrobe, water correcting lens, flash deflector, and 200 speed 35mm film.


We just couldn't pass up the Club Med special offer - so back to Turkoise we went. The weather was great and the water was warm (around 82 degrees F).

Tiger Grouper
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The average visibility was about 60-70 feet and was not what we had experienced on previous trips (100 plus. The rumor was that there was dreading going on in the area. Who knows, it just might have been the season. Still great diving!

There certainly was a lot of construction going on. The island is starting to become very populated compared with our first trip. There are many large resorts along the beach near the club.

Indigo Hamlet
Black Jack

Since they have now closed the club on Paradise Island, this remains one of the few still offering scuba.

We didn't get to see JoJo the wild dolphin on this trip but some lucky guests and the staff photographer did see him come into the beach. We were told he still comes in occasionally.

Basket Star
Princess Parrot

We were told that in a couple of years Club Med is going to do away with diving at all the clubs. The only diving available will be run by outside companies. I guess this is to reduce their liability. It would really be a shame since it is so nice to have diving included as part of the package and you can pretty much guarantee that the dive team will be first rate.

Another wonderful trip.

End Dive ..............................................................................

Trumpet Fish


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